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Easy DIY Babyproofing Hack for Your Cabinets (and more childproofing ideas)

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UPDATE: I’ve had a lot of success with these sliding cabinet locks lately!

I’m always on the hunt for great parenting tips to make my working-mom life easier.

I ask family and friends for advice, scour magazines, read all the online articles and baby whisperer books, and even consider what well-meaning women in the grocery store lines tell me.

Then I test out their parenting tips (like this DIY babyproofing hack) at home.

I was thrilled when this tip from my mother-in-law about how to childproof cabinets in a heartbeat (with something you already have at home) actually worked!

Because curious, persistent little ones who like to look, touch and taste every single item they find is A) dangerous and B) can drive you crazy all day.

I also love that this problem solver is free. And it’s an easy solution for childproofing cabinets when you’re staying over at someone’s house that isn’t childproofed.

Or, when you haven’t gotten around to childproofing your own home yet because you’re barely keeping up with feeding your family and staying employed (it happens).

Cheap and easy babyproofing hack for cabinets

This simple solution - a thick rubber band - instantly childproofs cabinets.

You know how you’re buying all those nutritious veggies now like broccoli and asparagus because you want your kids to eat healthier than you ever have?

Take those thick rubber bands that come on the veggies and put one over both of the knobs on your cabinet doors, roping them together (sorry this trick only works if you have knobs, not handles!).

Those rubber bands are super thick and small in diameter, which makes them strong.

They keep cabinet doors tightly shut together and are more powerful than the little fingers trying to pry them apart.

And eventually, after your crawling baby or active toddler has attempted to unsuccessfully force the cabinets open, she’ll stop trying.

More easy childproofing ideas

Of course, you’re going to want to do real-deal childproofing of your home too, if you haven’t already.

Because, I hate to break it to you, but your child isn’t going to stop getting into things.

Kids are born explorers– it’s their job.

Here are a few ideas I have used in my home:

You may need more or less childproofing products, depending on your home and the items in it. To figure out exactly what you need:

  • Take stock of your home (look at it from your child’s level)
  • Write down everything you need
  • Read a few childproofing guides online to see what products you like best
  • Order the items online (preferably Amazon, so you can shop Prime and have them quick!)
  • Set aside an hour to install everything over the weekend

In a pinch, you can use the rubber-band trick to keep your little one out of cabinets until you can get around to babyproofing your home.

And while childproofing is kind of a hassle and just one more thing on your to-do list, once it’s done you’ll have so much more peace of mind.

Save for later? Share this babyproofing hack with other moms by pinning!

cheap and easy DIY Babyproofing hack for cabinets


Saturday 10th of December 2011

I did this on the TV armoir with a "Live Strong" bracelet. I think there may be some irony there...

Mommy Crib Notes Team

Wednesday 9th of November 2011

Ooh, good tip about the duct tape for traveling Shell. We are contemplating our first family vacation so that's something I'll keep in mind!


Wednesday 9th of November 2011

Definitely works!

Duct tape was my go-to travel childproofing tool.

For hotels and such- to cover outlets or closet cabinets.

Mommy Crib Notes Team

Monday 7th of November 2011

Thanks for the tip Krista!


Monday 7th of November 2011

This works great of you have wooden doors, but if your doors are MDF or laminated, then the pressure from the rubber band (the veggie bands are really strong) will cause your knobs to loosen over time since it pulls against the holes in these weaker materials and actually wallows the holes out a bit during the 1-2 years you'll probably be using them on your doors.