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11 Foods to Avoid (or Limit) While Breastfeeding

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Whether you’re pregnant and planning on breastfeeding or if you’re already a nursing Mom — You may be wondering which foods you should avoid while breastfeeding to keep your baby safe and healthy.

There are some foods that ALL breastfeeding moms should limit (like alcohol and coffee), while others will depend on whether or not your baby has an allergy or intolerance.

Remember, no two babies are exactly the same. While some may have a problem with a certain food, others may not.

So, which foods should you keep a close watch on? Let’s take a closer look.

Foods to Avoid while Breastfeeding

It’s important to bear in mind that breastfed babies will absorb some of what you eat and drink via your milk. Naturally, you need to consider your own diet and how it will affect your baby, as well as your milk supply.

Before we get to it, just a reminder that I’m not a medical doctor. Make sure you take advice from a licensed professional about any medical concerns you have or major dietary changes you’d like to make.

1. Alcohol

Alcohol passes through breast milk and into your infant’s system. According to the CDC, one standard drink per day is not known to cause problems, especially if you wait at least 2 hours before nursing if you have had a drink.

However, excessive alcohol consumption can cause development issues and disturbed sleep patterns. It may even increase the baby’s risk of SIDS.

To clarify, one standard drink usually means a single alcohol shot, 5 ounces of wine, or 12 ounces of beer.

In the long-term, alcohol may decrease your milk production and this could lead to you having a shorter breast feeding duration than you would otherwise have.

Contrary to popular belief, the “pump and dump” technique doesn’t work. Your breastmilk will continue to contain alcohol until your blood alcohol level returns to normal.

However, this technique can be helpful for relieving breast engorgement you may experience from skipping a nursing session. You can also pump and then discard if you are trying to stick to a pumping schedule to keep your supply up.

Related: 10 Easy Tips to Pump MORE Breast Milk!

2. Caffeine

It’s probably fine to consume some caffeine while you’re nursing, however, you should only have a moderate amount. According to the CDC, it’s safe to have around 2-3 cups of coffee, which is about 300 mg of caffeine.

Keep in mind that caffeine can be found in several places other than coffee, including: 

  • Black teas 
  • Green teas
  • Sodas
  • Chocolate (see below)
  • Energy drinks 
  • and sometimes even medications

If you consume too much caffeine, this can affect your little one’s sleep patterns and cause them to be more irritable or fussy than usual.

Related: 15 Reasons Why Your Baby Cries While Nursing

3. Certain Fish

Lots of nursing mothers love seafood and wonder whether or not it’s ok to eat fish.

The problem with some fish is the mercury, which may be harmful to your little one’s development brain and nervous system.

However, if you have fish with only a tiny amount of mercury, this can actually benefit your little one’s health as well as your own.

There are certain fish which you need to avoid because of their high levels of mercury. These include:

  • Tilefish 
  • King mackerel
  • Bigeye tuna
  • Swordfish
  • Shark
  • Marlin
  • Orange roughy

There are also certain fish varieties which are safer for moderate consumption due to their lower levels of mercury. These include:

  • Catfish 
  • Cod
  • Crab
  • Flounder
  • Lobster
  • Salmon
  • Shrimp
  • Canned light tuna

For a more detailed list, the CDC has a printout you can refer to here.

4. Dairy (on rare occasions)

Usually, you won’t have to worry about consuming dairy while breastfeeding.

However, there are rare occasions (about 3%) where an exclusively breastfed baby does have a milk allergy.

If you are concerned your baby may have a milk allergy (or any other allergy), please talk to your pediatrician before making any major changes to your diet.

Here are some signs your baby may have a cow’s milk allergy:

  • Swollen lips, face, or area around the eyes
  • Itchy rash
  • Cough or wheezing
  • Vomiting or diarrhea

Foods to Limit while Breastfeeding

5. Chocolate

You’re fine to enjoy some chocolate occasionally, but it’s probably best to avoid in large amounts on a daily basis.

Chocolate contains theobromine, which is similar to caffeine. Eating a moderate amount of chocolate isn’t likely to cause any issues.

However, it has been suggested that chocolate may cause irritability and jitteriness much like caffeine if a mother consumes large amounts while breastfeeding.

It’s also worth mentioning that a group of dermatologists in Japan have reported that there may be a link between chocolate and infants with atopic dermatitis (also known as eczema).

Of course, you shouldn’t be deprived of all the things that you love. Rather, you should consume them in moderation.

6. Nuts

Eating nuts while breastfeeding might be a good idea, as nuts are a rich source of vitamins and antioxidants. 

However, if you, your spouse, or a family member have a history of nut allergies, it may be best to avoid eating nuts or nut products like peanut butter.

If you suspect your child is having a reaction, stop consuming nuts and talk to your pediatrician. You may find this article helpful: Infant Allergies and Food Sensitivities (source: American Academy of Pediatrics)

7. Processed Foods

Now, processed foods clearly aren’t going to directly ruin your breast milk.

And sitting down and devouring an entire box of Cheez-Its is not going to cause any long-term harm.

But– It’s not giving you a ton of nutrition either. Processed foods are full of empty calories, extra sugar, and sodium.

That’s not going to keep you full and satiated for very long, which could possibly contribute to unwanted weight gain while you’re breastfeeding.

It’s best to focus your efforts on eating a variety of healthy foods so that you’re meeting your body’s increased nutrient demands.

8. Certain Herbs

When eaten in large amounts, strong herbs like peppermint, parsley, and safe may have a negative impact on your milk supply.

While these herbs have a rich flavor, they’re anti-galactagogues, meaning they may decrease your milk supply.

If you’ve noticed that your milk supply has reduced after consuming any of these herbs, you could try avoiding them to see if it helps.

Peppermint presents a greater risk than sage and parsley since you can find it everywhere. Even toothpaste or candies with peppermint flavoring could have an effect on your breastmilk supply. 

You may also want to avoid using any peppermint essential oils on your skin.

9. Spicy Foods

Mothers are commonly advised to avoid spicy foods when breastfeeding. This is because some people believe that eating spicy or strongly flavored food can cause issues like diarrhea, rashes and colic.

But while these types of food can change how your milk tastes and smells, there’s no compelling evidence that they cause any problems for your infant. Where it’s suspected they might, the babies’ symptoms aren’t consistent.

If you personally feel that eating a particular food makes your breast-fed baby fussy, then go ahead and avoid it. However, don’t think that it’s a hard and fast rule you should be following.

It’s interesting to note that the study linked above mentions evidence that “infants of mothers who eat garlic extract tend to feed for a longer time and seem to prefer a variety of flavors in breast milk, which might facilitate weaning to solid foods.”

10. Cruciferous Vegetables

As with spicy foods, some people believe that vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower and kale cause gas in breastfed babies. There doesn’t seem to be any evidence to support this but trust your intuition.

If you feel that avoiding them makes a positive difference in your baby, then do so. Just make sure you’re including other vegetables to keep a balanced diet.

Related: 9 Tips to Help a Fussy Newborn with Gas

11. Decongestants

While not technically a food, sometimes decongestants like pseudoephedrine or phenylephrine PE, for example, can interfere with your milk supply.

While it isn’t guaranteed that these medications would affect your milk supply, it’s good to know that’s at least a possibility.

So, if you take these and notice a decline in your supply, you might consider trying a nasal spray instead.

BONUS Tip: Focus on what you can have

Now you’re a bit clearer on what not to eat while breastfeeding, hopefully, you’ll see there’s not too much restriction! 

Focus on all the good things you can include and make sure you get a good balance of whole grains, citrus fruits, fibrous vegetables and a good source of protein (especially if you’re on a vegan diet).

And remember – breastfeeding is a journey and sometimes a tough one. Do the best you can and get support when you need it.

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